PTO Staff
Centerville PTO Board
2021-2022 School Year

Welcome to Centerville Elementary! We love our school and love to be able to help provide for some of the needs of our teachers and students. Some of the things we have used money for in the past is:
54 chromebooks, computers for computer lab, laminator and laminating paper, walkie-talkies for teachers, social studies newspapers, classroom folders, money for teachers to use in their room, field trips, playground equipment, climbing wall in gym, headphones for classrooms, Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads and a lot more.
Some of the ways we raise money:
Fall Festival, Fall Fundraiser, Elf Shop, T-shirt sales, car magnets, face painting, skate nights, Pizza Buffet nights and much more.
We need more volunteers to help us better serve our school. Even if you only have 30 minutes a week or can help in any way at one of our events, we would love to have you!! Contact April Gilstrap, if you would like to help out with the PTO in anyway. We will find a spot that works for you and the time that you have available.